Film 2700: Graded Assignments


Exams (25% each)

There will be three exams this semester, all of which will be of the multiple choice/short answer variety. The dates of the exams are listed on the weekly syllabus here. The third exam is the final, which is cumulative, comprehensively covering the semester’s material.

Quizzes/In-Class Assignments (15% Total)

There will be a number of announced quizzes and in-class assignments given over the course of the semester based on readings, viewings, and lectures. No make-up quizzes/assignments will be offered. Thus, it is in your best interest to attend class consistently.

Attendance & Participation (10%)

Students are allowed one unexcused absence. Additional absences will have a negative impact on your grade. In addition, students are expected to participate actively in classroom discussions.